Spoken Word Ministry.

Be Still and know that I am God.

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Get To Know Us.

We're not building an organization. I'm not here this morning to build an organization. Christ never sent me to build organization. Christ sent me to build individuals to the stature of Jesus Christ, that they might be the powerhouse and the dwelling place of the Spirit, by His Word. By His Word, see, build up the individual to that place. Not build an organization to a greater denomination, but build the individual to sons and daughters of God. That's the idea. See? Add to your faith, virtue; to your virtue, add knowledge. Well, now you're coming to a place.

62-1014M THE STATURE OF A PERFECT MAN paragraph 172

Get In Touch.

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Service Times.

Wednesday & Friday 1730 - 2000 hrs
(Streamed on YouTube)Sunday 1030 - 1500 hrs

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3 Hudson Road,

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Phone: (+263) 772 253 404

Phone: (+263) 773 228 222

Phone: (+263) 4 293 3059

Phone: (+263) 4 293 3060-1

Revelation 10:7

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.